Tomas, Renaissance Man
Playing cello, drawing, skateboarding, and serving as vice president of his class — Tomas is flourishing, all with the help of Smile Train!
“We are going to move the baby to see if he has a cleft, which is my suspicion.”
The doctor’s words struck fear into Denise’s heart. She was at her seven-month ultrasound, pregnant with her fourth child. Her husband, Yani, was at her side.
Carefully, they moved the baby and restarted the ultrasound machine. What they saw confirmed the doctor’s intuition: their unborn son, Tomas, had a cleft.
Denise and Yani left the ultrasound feeling totally “defeated.” Still navigating their emotions, they dove right into educating themselves on cleft treatment. Their pediatrician directed them to Fundación Gantz, a Smile Train Cleft Leadership Center right in Santiago. They made their first trip before Tomas was even born.
"It was incredible how everyone welcomed us, right from the receptionist who was the first to speak with us,” she recalled. “I felt like we were talking mom to mom.”
At Fundación Gantz, the doctors taught Denise and Yani feeding methods to try with Tomas. They also provided emotional and psychological support, which Denise deeply appreciated. Thanks to their help, “I felt ready when he was born,” she said.
Tomas’ first months at home were a challenge. Denise already had three daughters — including a one-year-old — to care for. Yani’s work required him to be away from home during the week, leaving her in charge of a full house.
Denise balanced everything. She made sure Tomas got enough to eat, and at five months old, he was well enough to undergo cleft lip surgery at Fundación Gantz. Six months later, he returned for his cleft palate surgery.
All of his treatment was completely free for the family, thanks to Smile Train’s donors.

As Tomas grew into his personality, he proved to be a bright, inquisitive, and loving little brother. He became especially close with his sister Emilia, who is a year older. He joined the school orchestra and decided to learn the cello, her instrument. He also took up drawing — and even skateboarding!

In all of his pursuits, Tomas is committed to excellence — which is why he is a “tenacious” practicer, as Denise describes him. He’ll often spend a whole day playing his instrument, churning out sketches, or getting comfortable on the halfpipe.
Denise and Yani continued to partner with Fundación Gantz for Tomas’ comprehensive cleft care. Whenever they were unable to bring him to his treatments or checkups, their extended family quickly stepped up to help.

“They are our great support network,” she reflected. “His grandparents, his cousins, his uncles. Even when Tomas was in kindergarten and they had to massage his scar three times a day, they did it.”
Tomas recently achieved a milestone in his cleft treatment: He completed his final speech therapy session!
“Seeing the progress he has made, I feel so happy for him,” Denise said.
Today, Tomas is vice president of his second-grade class. He has ambitious plans for his future: “I want to be a surgeon.” Given all he has accomplished so far, there’s no doubt he can achieve anything he sets his mind to!

Your donations provide a brighter future for children like Tomas.