Victoria Takes Off the Band-Aid

She used to hide her lip. Now, she shows off her smile everywhere she goes 

Many of Victoria’s friends and classmates couldn’t picture her without a thick brown bandage under her nose. She had worn a Band-Aid every day for years in hopes of avoiding the harassment and stares she feared would greet her if she came to class with her cleft uncovered. 

Victoria with Estefani
Victoria with Estefany

The one person she never needed to hide from was her twin sister, Estefany. Estefany does not have a cleft, but the sisters still share a special bond. When Victoria is hurting, Estefany is there to listen and always quick to protect her from bullies.

Victoria with her mother, two of her sisters, and a Smile Train employee
Victoria with her mother (second from right), some of her sisters, and Smile Train’s Director of Communications for Latin America, Marina Marot (far left)

In 2024, at nine years old, Victoria’s family finally learned that free cleft surgery was available at a regional hospital thanks to Smile Train.

Victoria was afraid to have surgery, but she already had a lifetime of experience in not letting fear stand in the way of doing what she needed to do. Putting her well-worn brave face on, she took off her bandage for the final time and went with her mother to the hospital.

Victoria listing to her voicemails in the hospital
Hearing well-wishes from her classmates from her hospital bed helped Victoria heal after surgery

After her free cleft surgery, Victoria woke up and looked into her phone. The camera revealed a not-quite-familiar face smiling back at her. Her voicemail was full of messages from all of her classmates congratulating her on her new start. 

Victoria after cleft surgery dancing in traditional Argentinian garb
A grand entrance for a grand smile

Naturally, the first call she returned was to Estefany, who had big news – Victoria would be home just in time to attend her first school dance. 

Victoria and Estefany dancing
Now Victoria stands out for her radiant smile

Victoria showed up wearing her traditional clothing and a beaming smile. For her classmates, it was like meeting her for the first time. For Victoria, it was an opportunity to reveal who she’d always been inside. 

Give hope, courage, and a second chance to more children around the world.