How Having a Son With a Cleft Turned Javier Into a Superdad
Just the story you need this Father’s Day
Javier Anzo may seem like your everyday guy. He lives in Mexico City with his wife, Olivia; eight-year-old son, Santino; and five-year-old son, Damián. But he is, in fact, far from ordinary; he is a super dad, and his powers came to him unexpectedly six years ago, when he was unable to make one of Olivia’s ultrasound appointments.
“She called me crying like Mary Magdalene, crying, crying. The sky was falling to pieces,” Javier remembered. She felt alone; he ran to comfort her as quickly as he could. That was how he learned Damián would have a cleft.
The family had never met anyone with a cleft before. All Javier knew was that he thought a cleft meant his baby couldn’t have a future. Thankfully, with help from Oliva’s friends they soon found Centro SUMA. From their first step through its doors, two things were very clear — they were not alone, and their son would receive all the cleft care he would ever need. For free.
It was a moment Javier will never forget. “I was relieved, since when I arrived at the center, [they told me] Damián may have been born with a cleft, but don’t worry. We will heal him.”
But even the best medical treatment in the world means little without continuing care and encouragement at home. Javier understood that he would need to step up to be the dad his son needed, and he did so in a super way.
“His father removed all those prejudices” that persist about people with clefts and took “action to also take charge of bringing the child to the consultations, to be attentive in the therapies allowed us to have a very harmonious relationship with them.”
Those are the words of Dr. Karina Cabal, who would certainly know. Newborn Damián was her first patient at SUMA, and they have since gown-up there together. Dr. Cabal is now CEO of Centro SUMA; and as for Damián…
This child who was once at risk of not being able to speak clearly is now an aspiring YouTuber. He’s a natural on camera and steals every scene he’s in, though he also loves sharing the spotlight with his family at home and his second family — his doctors and friends with clefts at Centro SUMA.
“I always tell him that he is my Christmas bell because he’s all over the place, he’s super shiny, and not afraid to interact with absolutely everyone,” said Dr. Cabal.
But Damián is not the only one in his family spreading cleft awareness. Javier has made it is purpose to educate other parents of children with clefts, especially dads.
He is deeply involved with SUMA’s parents’ committee, where he shares his experiences to help others feeling as alone as he and Olivia were.
“I’m very proud to be a dad,” Javier said. “I’m very grateful to my children, to my wife. It’s something I wouldn’t change and I’m enjoying it to the fullest. I am truly very, very grateful to life.”
This Father’s Day, give a cleft dad the best gift of all: The care his child needs to live and thrive.
Our Impact in Mexico
as of June 2022